Make a Smart website on iPhone
The Smart version gives you up to 12 pages, more graphic presets, and more options, at a very soft price.
The Smart websites by SimDif are designed to be the center of your digital world.
• Create special buttons to invite your readers to read one of the pages of your site, or to go visit your Facebook page.
• You can also create buttons to invite them to use Skype, Messenger or WhatsApp ... to get in touch with you directly.
• In the Smart version you can add comments to your blog entries and manage them from your SimDif App.
A SimDif website, in its Smart version is a pretty good investment.
For a very soft price you can create a solid presentation website. A SMART site is a good way to build a serious online presence for your activity.
A SimDif SMART site has everything you can find in a STARTER with a few more relevant features:
• Use up to 12 pages to build your website, and enjoy many additional features. A richer and more useful site will be appreciated by your readers and Google!
• Gather professional statistics about your visitors to better understand their behavior on your site by installing Google Analytics.